Boston 3G

Preserving the Memories and Legacy of the Holocaust from the Perspective of the Third Generation

Boston 3G is a non-profit organization founded by the grandchildren (3rd Gen) of Holocaust survivors who have come together to create an outlet for Holocaust remembrance in the Greater Boston area. Our collective mission is to honor our grandparents' legacies by educating future generations to learn from the lessons of the Holocaust and be upstanders in the face of hatred and antisemitism. We empower the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors to share their grandparents' stories and provide a human face to the Holocaust.

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Boston 3G News

PRESS RELEASE: Boston, MA, July 23, 2024 

USC Shoah Foundation Forms Partnership with Living Links, The First National Organization for Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors

In 2023, Boston 3G participated with nearly a dozen independent 3G groups that had formed over the last decade to create Living Links, a national network that offers grandchildren of Holocaust survivors social, educational, and advocacy opportunities in a supportive environment that honors and explores their common and complex legacies. Leaders from Boston 3G participated in strategy sessions and focus groups to develop Living Links’ mission. Boston 3G is one of 14 3G affiliates, with several more in early stages of development. Each 3G organization will maintain its autonomy, while the Living Links—USC Shoah Foundation partnership will provide a professional infrastructure and networks within the field. Read more.

Lisa Einstein, President of Boston 3G speaks to NBC News about the new Auschwitz exhibit in Boston

To know my grandmother's story, told first-hand by her and then 80 years later, to see the actual bunk bed she slept with her 4 sisters in, the actual stretcher she carried that helped reunite her with her sisters, the actual whip that was used when she stole a potato, the actual shoes she wore in the dead of winter in Poland and so many other items brought to life. Simply incomprehensible.

We are the Last Living Link.


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