Yom HaShoah 2023

Join Boston 3G, along with Israeli American Council (IAC), JCRC & CJP to honor Holocaust Remembrance Day and become part of the action.  Boston 3G will start the day joining in the IAC 6 Million Steps walk from the Boston State House to the New England Holocaust Memorial.

After a brief and moving ceremony, we will then make our own impact in the community and call attention to the 6 million, including 1.2 million children lost in the Holocaust through a unique and modern twist on a "moment of silence."  As part of the tribute, 3Gs (the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors) invite you all to join us as we link arms creating a chain of protection for 6 minutes surrounding the New England Holocaust Memorial. We are truly the "last living link", the last to know the survivors and hear their stories first-hand.

"It is for them, our families, and for all those who perished, that we, as the third generation, will stand together in order to educate, protect and preserve the memory of the Holocaust," said Boston 3G President Lisa Einstein. 

The more people the stronger the impact! 

For schedule and further details, please see below.

Questions? Email Boston3G@gmail.com



9:00 AM   - Arrival, Directions & Schmooze

10:00 AM - 6 Million Steps Walk from State House to NEHM Begins (25 min walk)

10:30 AM - Rocks of Remembrance for Kids at NEHM

10:45 AM - Yom HaShoah Ceremony at NEHM

11:15 AM - "The Last Living Link" Human Chain around the Memorial (6 min moment of silence)

Family-friendly. All are welcome, young and old.

Co-Sponsored by JCRC & CJP

View Photos from 2022!

6 Million Steps

In remembrance of the Holocaust, we invite you to take part in an international effort to complete 6 million steps in each community. We will walk together from the MA State House, located at 24 Beacon St, Boston, to The New England Holocaust Memorial. Count your steps and show respect to the six million victims of the Holocaust. Steps can be logged here.

4Gs Rocks of Remembrance

Passing on the legacy and stories of the Holocaust to the next generation (4Gs) is a huge priority of Boston 3G. We will be providing rocks for all kids to paint during the ceremony at the NEHM and then participate in a processional placing their stone as a rock of remembrance on the headstone of the Memorial.

"Last Living Link"

Join us for this unique moment of 6 minutes of silence as we circle the NE Holocaust Memorial, linking arms creating a chain and vowing to protect its legacy. We will provide T-shirts and signs to attendees to help make an impact and spread the message of Never Forget.

Please consider making a 

Donation to Boston 3G 

to ensure programming like this can continue for future generations.

All donations are tax-deductible. 

Due to COVID 19 Pandemic and in order to maintain the health of our community – participation in our event requires signing a health form when you arrive to the event. Please do not come if you are experiencing symptoms or have been exposed to someone who is sick. Help us all keep our families, friends, and community healthy – we all share the responsibility!